The science behind ‘Why Elephants never forget anything’?  

Elephant brain
Pic: Elephant, Pic source:

Elephants do not forget anything- they remember their friends, herd partners, and locations they visited accurately. This to the extent that they also know the smell of their partners in the herds, friends they met in life even after many years.

Elephants are known to have the largest brain among any land animal, which weighs 10.5-pounds (4.7 kilograms). They have EQ as high as that of a Chimpanzee considered to be sharp and brainy animals. They also have complex encephalization that makes them sharp. (Encephalization is defined as the amount of brain mass related to an animal’s total body mass.)With evolution they brain of

With evolution they brain of elephant have become remarkable similar to human brains with a highly developed hippocampus is the part of the brain that is involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing.

With evolution they brain of elephant have become remarkable similar to human brains with a highly developed hippocampus is the part of the brain that is involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing.

This makes them survive natural calamities like droughts as they could remember and recall the signs earlier and respond.”Studies have also shown matriarchs who have lived through dry spells before will lead their herds to more fertile land, while younger matriarchs who haven’t experienced a drought are more likely to stay put,” says MentalFloss.

Their high-functioning brains also make them suffer from post-traumatic depression like humans.

They use body signs, sound to infrared rays to communicate with others. They also have an understanding of syntax which suggests that they have their own grammar to understand sentences.

They can understand 12 different kind of music and play them. They behave like humans and mourn their dead and also perform last rituals like sinking the dead of throwing in water. Believe it or not they also can recognize them in the mirror.

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